How to Remove Glued on Door Handle|5 Easy Steps

Do you have a door in your home that has a glued-on handle? This can be a real pain, especially if the handle breaks off. In this blog post, we will show you how to remove the glued-on handle in 5 easy steps!

5 easy steps to follow;

Step One

The first thing you need to do is remove the screws that are holding the handle in place. If you can’t find the screws, then you will need to use a screwdriver to pry the handle off.

Step Two

Once the screws are removed, you should be able to pull the handle off easily. If the handle is still stuck, then you can try using a putty knife to pry it off.

Step Three

If the handle is still not coming off, then you may need to use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the adhesive. Be careful not to burn yourself!

Step Four

Once the adhesive is heated up, the handle should come off easily. If it doesn’t, then you can try using a putty knife or screwdriver to pry it off.

Step Five

If the handle still won’t come off, then you may need to use a strong solvent such as acetone or MEK. Be sure to read the instructions on the solvent before using it, and always use gloves and eye protection when working with solvents.

Final Words

The five steps should have helped you remove the door handle that was glued on. If you need further assistance, then you can contact a professional to help you.

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